My VBAC Birth Story

A few disclaimers: This is choppy and has typos because I wrote it when I was pretty sleep-deprived and over the period of a week. This also mentions female parts of the body (it starts with a V!! oh noo!!). I also put in pictures of the actual birth (taken by Jami, my doula!) and no private parts - Jase coming out bloody and part of my leg is all you will see. If these things could be offensive to you, that's your problem since I warned you ;) Lastly though I am thankful to have a VBAC I am not so militant about VBAC to the point where I think all women who have had C-sections should try. I am all for women having the facts and making their own decisions that is best for them . In fact, I nearly scheduled a repeat cesarean the day before the induction. Ok now that I've gone to great pains to not offend anyone I'll actually get to my story! ---- Jase Emmanuel Guthrie was born December 31st at 12:17 AM weighing 8lbs 12.9oz and was 22 inches long. I was 42 weeks along...