
Showing posts from April, 2018

A Response to Sheologians’ Criticism of “Reckless Love”

I've listened to the Sheologians podcast since their first episode. They were my "gateway drug" into a more serious study and love for Reformed theology. I've enjoyed their sarcasm, banter, quirkiness and YES! the giggling. But to be honest, I am not technically "historically Reformed" in some of my theological views and practices as many Sheologians fans are. I don't hold to the Regulative Principle of Worship. I am a long-time church musician who plays songs like Reckless Love on a regular basis. It is ironically because of these things that I feel able to respond to their content. Sheologians invites direct, edifying dialogue with people different from them. Summer and Joy are not the type of ladies to speak without thinking. So, I have a few things I'd like to say in response to their post criticizing the new Bethel Worship song, Reckless Love . I recommend reading the two links above before you read my thoughts. And please know my thou...