Carson update

Backstory: almost a year ago it became apparent to us that Carson's continual social and language delays were more serious than we thought. When we found out about Aspergers and high functioning autism we saw some striking similarities in Carson to the description of symptoms. It was obvious to us that he is on the autism spectrum. The same week in early March that this realization came crashing down on us, David also received a job offer in Atlanta, and we moved a month later April 11th, 2015. He graduated seminary long distance. In June Carson underwent a series of evaluations by a specialist, a developmental pediatrician in north Atlanta named Dr. Sonia George. He tested most definitely on the autism spectrum. In every area except intellectual he tested more than a year behind his age at the time, 3 and a half. intellectually he was ahead of his age. He took speech and occupational therapy every week from this point on. We bought a house and acreage and moved in at ...