Carson update

Backstory: almost a year ago it became apparent to us that Carson's continual social and language delays were more serious than we thought. When we found out about Aspergers and high functioning autism we saw some striking similarities in Carson to the description of symptoms. It was obvious to us that he is on the autism spectrum. 

The same week in early March that this realization came crashing down on us, David also received a job offer in Atlanta, and we moved a month later April 11th, 2015. He graduated seminary long distance. 

In June Carson underwent a series of evaluations by a specialist, a developmental pediatrician in north Atlanta named Dr. Sonia George. He tested most definitely on the autism spectrum. In every area except intellectual he tested more than a year behind his age at the time, 3 and a half. intellectually he was ahead of his age. 

He took speech and occupational therapy every week from this point on. We bought a house and acreage and moved in at the end of July.

(Above is our front yard!)

And now for an update! 

The last quarter of 2015 we saw some great progress in Carson, especially with his speech. He began saying original sayings to express thoughts or feelings relevant to the present, rather than lines from his favorite TV show. This was definitely due to consistent therapy and being settled in a house and having ample playtime outside in the Atlanta heat. (Please remember that a neurotypical 4 year old would have already been conversant for at least a year.)

In January Carson was due to have a check-in evaluation with Dr. George. We had seen so much improvement that we were hoping that we was functioning more according to his actual age. 

However this was not the case. While he has steadily improved he is most definitely still as far behind as he was before. In addition, he now has behavior issues. 

Overall, though he is over 4 years old, he functions as a 2 or 3 year old. His head knowledge is still far ahead of his age group though! He is adding and subtracting and he recognizes and spells hundreds of words.

That same week, actually the next day, we received the evaluation done by his occupational therapist, Ms. Nikki. It said exactly the same thing. 

The objectivity of the two unrelated evaluators helped us see more clearly what we were dealing with. We were used to Carson's screaming and outbursts and avoiding triggers but didn't realize how big of a problem that can be, especially as a hindrance to learning and every day functions. 

None the less, that week was a hard one for us as parents.  

The evaluations helped us form new goals. It's time for him to begin some kind of behavior therapy, which is very common for those with autism. Though he participates well in Sunday school and BSF kids programs he has behaviors that would make school very ... Interesting. Or at least unique for sure! 

Secondly we took him off of gluten this past week. (Thanks God for Aldi!) His behavior has definitely improved in the short time he has been off of gluten! There is a lot less babyish screaming. 

Thirdly Carson obviously loves music, running and climbing. Especially climbing. I can't wait to see his excitement in some kind of music class. 

Fourth there is school. I feel more than ever that I want to homeschool Carson. He needs a tailored education and from all I've learned about school options it truly seems to be the easiest and best way for him to get an education. This isn't 100% for sure though. 

Fifth, Jase is also doing well! He definitely does not have autism (I.e. He is Neurotypical). Seeing him grow up has been awesome. He is growing into a caring brother for Carson as well. He is definitely a mama's boy though. 

Sixth, David's job is going well but as any manager there are good and bad things. Ha. He is very excited about beginning our farming adventure! He loves spending time outside working on the electric fence or building a chicken coop or chopping up the dead tree in our yes for fire wood! 

I'm also doing well. I now work outside the home part time at a Kroger doing Starbucks. Goes great with being a extrovert and loving coffee and gives me a break from home. 😄

Thanks for reading, friends! Louisville/Indiana and State Street friends, we miss you! 


  1. I so appreciate being able to hear about your life's challenges and blessings! I love you friend, and continue to pray for the Lord's perfect wisdom and grace for you as you raise your boys!


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