I'm doing much better! And updates

I've meant to write here as an update for some weeks now but I've been so busy! I'm doing so much better with PPD and I don't want friends who've read this to worry about me!

First, Jase has begun to sleep through the night! This is better than Carson did, because I had to let him cry to do it. Jase has had to cry a little, but not like Carson. 

Second, nursing and rocking Jase to sleep is very therapeutic for me. I didn't allow myself to enjoy that snuggling bond with Carson at bedtime. Although Carson isn't as snuggly as Jase is either! 

Third, as Jase transitions to mostly table foods he is happier and doesnt require as much milk production as before. He also started rejecting the pacy at 8 months, and now baby food at 9 months. He's trying to take steps too! My kids could not be more opposite in temperament. 

Other updates:

David is sitting in his second to last seminary class as I type this! We are excited to see what God has in store for us. The most likely opportunity right now is through some sort of promotion at Amazon. David is flourishing there! But this could possibly move is to another city or state. As for vocational ministry we are not sure and are waiting on The Lord in that area. If he moves us through Amazon, we would plug in to a new church there. No matter what, we all have always felt that our time in Kentuckiana is temporary, and we are all feeling ready for a fresh start. It all depends on God and what doors he opens or closes!

 Carson is going to be 3 in December! He has become quite the little helper to me as I do housework and take care of Jase. He is still intensely curious about how things work, and coupled with fierce independence this makes for quite a little handful. I pray several times a day for patience and wisdom in training him...

Jase is going to be 1 in December and I'm pretty sure he'll have been walking for several weeks at that point! He is ambitious and tries with all of his might to keep up with Carson. He absolutely LOVES Daddy too! Jase is very expressive. 

He leaves no doubt as to what he wants or when he's upset. And only one thing calms him down: me! This would have distressed me much more if he were my first, but perspective tells me that he is still just a baby and will grow out of this phase very soon! I'm enjoying it while I can. 

Almost three weeks ago we started eating much healthier. David and I have both lost 3-5 pounds already, just from changing our diet! Our changes are 1. Whole grains (not no grains, as is the fad now) 2. Lots of fruits and veggies 3. Very few things with added sugar (just coffee creamer pretty much) So far we've mostly been enjoying colorful and amazing salads with chicken. But we both feel so much better, and are not on a blood sugar roller coaster like before!


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