We got a clean slate

I'm having to temporarily set aside the series on Christian apostasy or the mommy blogging or any other amateur attempts I had at blogging! I've had so much going on and more important happenings and much higher priorities than trying to change people's minds when I can't even see their faces.

The faces of the three people that matter the most to me are the only faces I recognize now. They are the only faces that matter to me. 

My dear husband's bearded face is minutes from snoring next to me in bed. He just finished his second week in management for Amazon Fulfillment here in Atlanta and he loves it! Finally. Finally not third shift. Finally not sixty hours a week. Finally he's not spending more time with coworkers than with his wife and children. Finally a chance to fulfill his dream of having a hobby farm. 

My firstborn. He is the square peg we've been trying to pound into the round hole all his little life. He's on the milder end of the autism spectrum. The grandmas had been suspecting it for the last 2 years but my husband and I were in denial. We have accepted who he is and are going to nurture his strengths and compensate for his weaknesses and get him all the help he will need. But this realization, which hit us like a ton of bricks the week of our big move, has completely changed our lives and our focus as a family. His whole future (as we envisioned it) is different. 

My second born. His little chubby baby face melts my heart. He is not only obviously ahead of where his older gifted brother was at this age, he is LOUD. He brings me to the end of my patience and then melts my heart with gentle snuggles. Every day. He is intensely relational. But he is not as strong willed as he appears. One little rebuke from daddy and he sulks. 

No one knows, loves, and needs these three faces as much as I do right now. 

God has brought me to a place where he is my only Friend. Him and the random stranger's kid at the playground or the cashier who compliments my kids! But seriously, he is giving me the strength to get through each day with no friendly faces except my family. He is teaching me to be content as I am! This actually includes keeping a positive attitude throughout each day, even with no friends. And for me, that's huge! 


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