VBAC Chronicles: Episode 5

This week is my "due date". I put it in quotes because no one really knows this kid's due date like we did with my first :) Also, I'm pretty sure my body wants more than 40 weeks to finish making baby boy, or baby wants more time to get fat. Or maybe both! 

A lot has happened since I wrote the 4th installment of my adventure into new medical territory! First, a couple weeks after my last entry I got a nasty and very painful kidney stone (35weeks at the time) which sent me to the hospital with uncontrollable dry heaving, dehydration, unrelenting back pain and a few contractions coming from it all. Since we didn't figure out til the end of the ordeal (2.5 days later) what was actually happening, it was scary at the time! But once I passed a stone I knew things would be fine. I came out of that time with a renewed confidence in my ability to tolerate pain, a new thankfulness for being clothed and in my right mind (Demerol and hospital gowns.. Haha) and with firsthand experience in the hospital I'll be delivering in this time. 

I've also been gobbling up all the positive birth stories in Ina May's guide to childbirth and on Fb's VBAC Facts Community. I've been able to have all my questions answered by Jami, my doula. I've learned so much about labor, birth, about the Bishop Score, Mikes Circuit, red raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil. I got a birthing ball. I got a "Pretty Pushers" gown so I can be a little more comfortable at the hospital. And right now my mom is here (since the 11th) and has been "waiting on me hand and foot" as she used to complain to us when we were ungrateful, stupid teenagers :) She's not complaining now however! She's soaking up the time with her precious 2-year-old grandson and he is soaking up the attention! 

This past Thursday, December 12th, I finally met with the other OB in the practice so I could at least recognize his face if I happened to have him there when I deliver. But the appointment turned out to be a huge game-changer for me!

Up until this point I had continued to abide by the rules of the Medicaid program that I had been relying on during David's job transition. Their rules (according to the ppl at the office) are that because VBAC is a "high risk pregnancy" that I have to see a Dr and not a midwife. But on November 3rd we received insurance through Amazon and I started wanting to see the midwives again - they are more patient with induction and length of labor and generally deal with all the VBAC-attempting preggers. But we wanted to avoid the financial stress from the bill so we stuck with Hoosier Healthwise. That is, until this appointment. I let the OB do a cervical check, which revealed no change. As we conversed about VBAC he bluntly told me that because I'm not yet dilated past a finger tip that he doesn't think it's gonna happen. He said other things along those lines, but in such a convincingly professional and medical way that I almost believed him. But when he made the illogical correlation between dilation and VBAC I knew I smelled a rat. All my reason and research backed me up on my decision. I knew if I stayed, that this Dr would quickly section me. I switched back to the midwives at 39 weeks! 

It felt crazy and dramatic, but when I called the next morning I was able to get an appointment with a midwife (Beth Bary) today. The appointment went great and confirmed everything I knew and felt to be true (and false) about childbirth, VBAC, my own birth plan, macrosomia (big baby head), induction, and dilation. I was even able to refuse a cervical check with no resistance (it's only been 3 days and baby is still high).

So tonight I'm feeling good and taking it easy. My next appointment is on the 26th, and I'm hoping that it is unnecessary! 

Lastly I've lately been encouraged by a few bible verses on this: 

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 

This verse, originally part of Gods word to a broken, rebellious people, is so fitting for me too.. A broken and rebellious woman were it not for God's intervention, who is afraid of what could come with childbirth and who needs her Creator's help desperately... 

Luke 1: 

And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God. And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.” And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her. (Luke 1:35-38 ESV)

I know that if this is meant to be, God will do it. If not, I know He has a reason and that I did everything I could and learned a lot in the process!!!


  1. Good for you for listening to your instincts. Mamas definitely know best. I will pray that you have a safe and healthy delivery at the perfect time, whenever that may be.


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